With Ironman70.3 Durban 13,5 weeks away, why not FIND YOUR WHY and challenge yourself. Join our TRIBE of like minded team players and with a personalised training programme let us guide you through the journey to IM70.3 Durban or any other event you may be considering.
Read Zandra’s IM70.3 journey below and find out how you can join us and stand a chance to win your first month of training free..

Zandra relocated to Dubai in 2017 and on her departure she said “When I do my first triathlon, you are doing it with me”… little did I know it would be an Ironman70.3!

Fast forward to 1 February 2019 and there we are standing on the beach amongst some of the worlds best triathletes about to embark on Zandra’s first 70.3 journey at the Ironman70.3 Dubai. Admittedly, she only realised at that moment, what was ahead of her. Even Paul Kaye’s high 5 on Jumeira Beach could not raise a smile from the overwhelming feelings she was having right then.

As with every triathlon swim start, the nerves are shattered and the adrenalin is pumping. As hard as Zandra had trained, nothing can prepare you for how you respond to the adrenalin rush on the day. 3 strokes in to the swim leg and Zandra was on her back, breathing heavily and somewhat hyper ventilating, but that was not about to stop her. 1.9 km of backstroke later, we put our feet down on the soft sand of the swim exit and ran to transition with 2 min 10 sec to spare to the swim cut off time of 1 h 10.

Now for the bike leg…

Having swallowed a fair amount of salty sea water, eating and drinking on the bike was not really an option for her in the first half an hour. Pedaling through a desert on a stretch well known to her bought her good fortune and she made up some good time reaching the dismount line with 10 min 42 sec to spare.

Now to run a half marathon…

A half marathon is not usually on the average persons agenda and this after a 1.9 km swim, 90 km bike and 5 h 30 of exertion having passed already. At the 16 km mark, I came across Zandra on her first lap of the run course, I was over the moon! If you make it to the run course in an Ironman, you pretty much have it in the bag (as long as you are a fast walker). At that point there was no sign of happiness written on Zandra’s face… just pure DETERMINATION!

And true to form, SHE DID IT! Keeping us all on very tender hooks, she crossed the finish line in a time of 8 h 28 min 56 sec and got the same medal as the age group winner who finished the same race in under 4 h 00!

Zandra’s WHY…

Life has thrown her many challenges and left her feeling properly down and out. Through setting herself a challenging goal, she had no choice but to make the time (we never have the time) and overcome some of her biggest doubts and challenges in life.

Join us and FIND YOUR WHY..

At K8 Multisport we accept ANYBODY in to our tribe and ensure that your training is tailored to suit your time, level of fitness, work, lifestyle, family etc. Our group sessions are open to everybody with swim squads, a weekly waterfront canal swim, midweek group run and 2 x a week group ride to choose from. If you can’t make any of our group sessions, you will still be given a programme to do – we offer ALL the options!

E-mail to find out more and stand a chance of

winning your first month of training free!