Seated Shoulder Strength
From the comfort of your chair, try these 3 effective shoulder strengthening exercises with light to medium weights or water bottles. Even with light weights you will feel it after a [...]
From the comfort of your chair, try these 3 effective shoulder strengthening exercises with light to medium weights or water bottles. Even with light weights you will feel it after a [...]
Using a theraband or resistance cords these exercises help with shoulder & bicep strength. 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps controlling the movements, have fun!
Dry Land swim strength using a theraband to keep those Triceps & Shoulders nice and strong. Aim for 2 - 3 x 10 reps at a time with a 10 second hold every 10 [...]
Are you a secret admirer of those swimmers with lovely strong shoulders? Here are 3 simple exercises with a few punches thrown in to work on that form. Use light to medium weights or [...]
3 key dry land swim strength exercises which can be repeated as often and as quickly as you like with focus on mobility, hip rotation & opposite arm/leg extension.
A great 45 minute session with lots of mobility and low intensity strength perfect for a full body workout
3 key exercises that can be repeated as often as you like using a theraband or even a pair of ladies tights if you don't have the bands. Do 10-15 reps of each exercise and [...]
Start with a plank then in to plank rotations followed by "swimmers". These 3 exercises can be done for 30 sec at a time with a 15 sec break in between. After every set, take [...]
Biceps and triceps, 2 muscles we can never work enough on for swim strength. These 3 short 30 second exercises can be repeated 2-3 times but should be done super quick for maximum benefit. [...] When your favorite training pool is closed and you have a home pool with limited space, why not try this out? Using an old mountain bike tyre tube around my waist, I have attached [...]